In home magic

Woohoo and welcome to another blog post - this stunner of an in home session. You will probably find Lori & Lachie popping up in a few more of my blog posts overtime. I met Lori at my other job and this beautiful soul chose me to take their maternity photos - and these were only the start! I ended up taking Fresh 48 photos for them (to anyone unfamiliar with this term - it’s a lil photography session in the hospital 48 hours within your babe being born. Don’t worry, I had to google it too) and doing this wonderful in home session about 2 weeks after the birth. Plus a family session a while later, but all this is yet to come!

For now, please enjoy these magical shots of a freshly-baked little fambam getting to know each other in their first weeks together. Still making my heart melt. x

NewbornCarolin Kohnert